Bio Energy in Germany
The bio energy sector for power and heat production in Germany includes four different types of biomass use.
Biogas from energy crops – Biogas power stations make up the lion’s share of Germany’s bio energy sector. There were 8,900 of them in 2015. 4,177 megawatts (MW) of biogas capacity was installed in Germany in 2015. Traditionally, the largest share of these installations is located in the south and north-west of Germany. In 2014 they amounted to 1,100 MW in Bavaria and Baden-Württemberg, and 1,479 MW in North Rhine-Westphalia, Lower Saxony and Schleswig-Holstein.
Biogenic waste – Biodegradable waste such as food and other organic residue can also be used to generate biogas. By the end of 2014 around 140 biogenic waste fermentation plants were operating in Germany – some upgraded their gas to biomethane.
Solid biomass – Around 700 biomass plants that predominantly burn residual and non-recyclable waste wood to produce power and heat are installed in Germany with a capacity of 1,516 MW in 2015.
Liquid biomass – A negligible amount of power (0.39 TWh in 2015) in Germany is generated from liquid biomass such as rapeseed oil, soy bean oil or palm oil in around 180 facilities across Germany.