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Nuclear energy in Germany

Nuclear power in Germany accounted for 17.7% of national electricity supply in 2011, compared to 22.4% in 2010. German nuclear power began with research reactors in the 1950s and 1960s with the first commercial plant coming online in 1969.

In September 2011, German engineering giant Siemens announced a complete withdrawal from the nuclear industry, as a response to the Fukushima nuclear disaster.[8][9] Remaining nuclear companies in Germany are E.ON Kernkraft GmbH, Vattenfall Europe Nuclear Energy GmbH, RWE Power AG, and EnBW Energie Baden-Wuerttemberg AG.

  • In 2015 the nuclear power stations in Germany produced 91,786 billion kWh power

  • At the moment there are 8 nuclear power stations in Germany that are in use, which have a electric power of 11.357 MWe

  • The nuclear power stations produced 14,1% of the power in Germany in 2015

  • There are already many nuclear power stations in Germany that are closed down

  • Till 2022 they want to close down all nuclear power stations in Germany

              SELFY project  2015 - 2017

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