Renewable energy in Latvia
The highest share of renewables in the EU is in Sweden (53.9%), Finland (39.3%) and Latvia (37.6%)
The share of renewables in gross final consumption of energy is one of the headline indicators of the Europe 2020 strategy. The target to be reached by 2020 for the EU is a share of 20% energy from renewable sources in gross final consumption of energy. However, renewables will continue to play a key role in helping the EU meet its energy needs beyond 2020.
In Latvia, renewable electricity generation is stimulated through a complex support system based on a feed-in tariff, which also includes elements of a quota system and tenders. The existing feed-tariff is on hold until 01.01.2020 due to concerns about corruption and a lack of transparency in the way it was carried out since 2007. The existing state support mechanisms for energy production from renewable energy resources are being assessed and revised.