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ENEA activities meet the need to support national industries to provide proper responses to system and technology innovation in the field of electricity and heat generation in small-sized plants (local agro-energetic production chains), and, in prospect, of second-generation biofuels. The initiatives underway are:
~aimed at producing biogas to be used for electric power generation or in the grid as gas biofuel (biomethane) from codigestion of organic wastes, farm wastes and/or sugar energy crops;
~exploiting energy from digestate as an alternative to the more traditional use as a farming amendant, by and pyrogasification processes, and even by mixing it with lignocellulosic biomass;
~developing and testing of new technologies for the final use of the produced biogas, such as energy co-generation by combining energy from biogas and fuel cells, with a significant improvement in the final yields of energy conversion and greenhouse gas balance

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